Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Tuesday is a Tuesday

9.30a    - dragon city
10.30a    - avatar
12p    - dog washing
12.30p    - avatar, summarizing descriptions, following storyline
---She needs to work on putting things she sees into her own words, finding meaning, and relating things in time.  She is doing that with this series, and there are other questions she has to ask about the themes and plot points, as well.  All of this is good for her language.
1.15p    - PE, 5x 500ft laps, swinging etc.
2p    - break

4.30p    - town: library; schedules etc.
//we got a new Stink book, not the one she wanted, but one she hasn't read.
5.30p    - gsrdening petunias, baseball
//I brought some petunias home from work - and she helped me plant them in a planter pot Daddy had helped me move earlier.  Our peas are up!  And there are pink blossoms beginning on last year's apple tree - and leaf buds starting on this years... lots of things to see and remark on :)
6p - done

Mama Notes:  Nearing the end of Mad Ship by Robin Hobb... chemistry book on crystal structure came in the mail - which is reason to find my glasses :)  Ordered Esme her own set of the first three Stink books to come in the mail.  Bought a pepper plant at work and am planting some more seeds...we are planning on reducing the tomatoes in the garden to one long row and tying them up with wire on both sides.  I have some serious thinking to do about what to do spacewise in the garden.  A bit worried that there isn't anything I can recognize except oregano in the 'perennials' section ...but it has been so cold this year maybe everything is still sleeping.

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